The intellectual map indicates your current position or target destination. Its purpose is to show the limits of the domains and the location of your thoughts.
The map consists of two main axes, intellectual – emotional and analysis – synthesis. These pairs present themselves as opposites on a scale. The axes divide the map into four sections where new plus and minus sides are created: science – religion and governance – art. The term “art” denotes here artworks, not philosophical dimension. Maximum Analysis results in perfect Structure, maximum Synthesis in a new Subject of study. Maximum Emotionality generates Chaos, maximum Intellectuality produces new Objects.
Science searches for Function, Art looks for Freedom, Religion seeks Norms, Governance is looking for Acts. Different sets of these values are possible, for example Function + Subject + Freedom + Vector could possibly determine the Solution. Opposite every Solution is a Problem. Function and Freedom meet in Solution.
Idea: 2000-2004
Execution: 2019
Technique: glass melted on glass
Size: 45 inches x 33 inches (115cm x 83cm)
Single piece of artwork. No copies.