If a person discovers new characteristics of gravitational waves or creates a never-before-seen type of heat absorbing glass, then we have created fresh information set i1.
Assuming absolute data efficiency, not a single bit is lost; rather, all information is added to society`s cloud. That cloud we can see as entry level knowledge for future exploration.
For any given period of time we can define how many users u information set i1 has, how many information set i2 has had, and so on:
i1 * u + i2 * u + i3 * u + …
Exact numbers n of individuals in a population or in a group are countable.
Calculating the intellectual expansion factor for a set time period m:
i1 * u + i2 * u + i3 * u + …/ n
We can define intellectual efficiency as
n/ i
i = i1 + i2 + i3 + …
In an absolutely efficient society everyone studies different subject or creates different products, services or theories, where the total amount of new subjects equals the number of individuals in this society at time period m. It is theoretically possible for the sum of new topics to total more than the individuals in a particular population.
Idea: 2019
Execution: 2019
Technique: glass melted on glass
Size: 24 inches x 33 inches (61cm x 84cm)
Single piece of artwork. No copies.