SVG placeholder
SVG placeholder

Idea seen from other dimension (Idea seen by other intellectual cosmos)

The idea is represented by a primary color of the intellectual universe. The view itself  is from the art dimension. It shows how seeing an idea creates art and emotional feeling in observers. Because every observer has different intellectual positioning, even seeing a single idea forms different art vectors. The translation process is melted on glass in a greenish tone – it is difficult to determine the exact psychological and biological symbiosis between yellow and green.


Idea: 2000-2004
Execution: 2019
Technique: glass melted on glass
Size: 24 inches x 33 inches (61cm x 84cm)
Single piece of artwork. No copies.

Idea seen from other dimension (Idea seen by other intellectual cosmos)
Idea seen from other dimension (Idea seen by other intellectual cosmos)
Idea seen from other dimension (Idea seen by other intellectual cosmos)
Idea seen from other dimension (Idea seen by other intellectual cosmos)
Idea seen from other dimension (Idea seen by other intellectual cosmos)
Idea seen from other dimension (Idea seen by other intellectual cosmos)
Idea seen from other dimension (Idea seen by other intellectual cosmos)