Blue – set of all thoughts
Black – set of all focused thoughts
Yellow – set of alternative focused thoughts
Green – Uncontrolled thoughts
If the set of all thoughts equals X, then any set of focused thoughts is always smaller than X.
Controlled and uncontrolled, unfocused thoughts form subsets of X: x1, x2, etc.
In GDP (Gross Domestic Product) based society an individual can contribute maximum level to organization when he or she shares all focused thoughts.
In GIO (Gross Intellectual `new` Output) based society it is possible to share more thoughts in total and distribute these between freely chosen organizations or groups rather than to just one specific organization.
If an individual can choose freely between any and all types of organizations at any given moment, it is more useful for mankind because more information will be created.
Idea: 2019
Execution: 2019
Technique: glass melted on glass
Size: 24 inches x 33 inches (61cm x 84cm)
Single piece of artwork. No copies.